by Adamaris Perez

Take it from a Senior, life is going to throw a lot of curveballs. As hard as it is to hear, the only thing you’ll be able to do is push through it with hope that it’ll get easier. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t. But at the end of the day you’ll always go to sleep with the satisfaction that you tried as hard as you could. Many times, the worst things that will happen to you will not be your fault. As long as you keep trying you’re going to be okay. We can’t control most of the situations we are put through. But we are always given the choice how to deal with it. That’s the one thing life can’t take away from us: choice. And we know life is full of them. Sometimes, we will make wrong choices, and that’s okay. We don’t have to be perfect 24/7; we’re human. My advice to you: do the best you can and cut yourself some slack. These are trying times and we should be more than proud that we’ve made it this far.

Good luck!

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