by Jack Scimone

In the past couple of weeks my life has become a little more productive. I get up, do most of the school work that is posted in the classroom and save the rest for later. Besides that I’m outside just about the rest of the day. Weather permitting. I’ve helped my Grandma with getting Easter decorations out, and my Mom and I have helped put a shelf together for her as well. Weekend life is pretty much the same besides going to get breakfast. Before we would go and sit down and talk, now it’s go in, talk and leave. Take out. Of course school life has changed; it won’t be there for a while, but we have online learning, which isn’t too bad. It is tricky though when it comes to math. It’s not something that can be easily taught online and not in person. I will say this virus has brought forward the hypochondriacs and some intelligent questionable people. For example, I’ve seen people wearing dust masks to keep them safe. THOSE AREN’T FOR VIRUSES! They are for dust, they are good spit guards though. And the same goes for respirators. Those only work if you have the specific filter, and unless you have one for the virus, it’s not doing a whole lot of much. I saw a lady using a towel as a mask. Again not doing much. Another thing, if you go shopping and you wear gloves, take them off before touching your car. Because if you don’t you’re just bringing the germs to your car and taking them home with you. I will say it is a great idea to wipe the shopping cart handles, and wash your hands after shopping and doing things that are in public places. But it shouldn’t take a virus for people to start doing that, that should be basic knowledge taught to you at a young age. Social distancing is a great idea too, but again taught at a young age. I learned about the social bubble in Kindergarten. Some advice I’ve heard for the pandemic is, “It’s ok to fear, but don’t panic.”  Keep it in your thoughts but stay calm and on the positive side of it. But don’t panic, don’t blow it out of the water and make it worse than it really is. Have a nice day, and stay safe out there. It’s a crazy world with or without a worldwide pandemic.


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