by Lucas Vitale

The most important event of 2020 (so far) has been the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been 36 million cases worldwide and over a million deaths. Because of this many worldwide companies and major events such as the Olympics have been shut down. Over 22 million jobs in the U.S. alone have been lost because of Covid-19. 

With over 36 million cases worldwide, Covid-19 is nothing to scoff at. It has caused many people to be hospitalized and many who can’t afford healthcare to suffer even more. With more people getting sick, others keep getting sick faster. Many of the cases are caused by people not taking proper safety precautions. Similarly, the increase in cases has led to an increase in deaths. 

Many worldwide events and companies have shut down or have reduced production. Great annual events such as the Olympics have been canceled this year due to Covid-19 concerns. Many businesses have also shut down due to a lack of people willing to go out shopping. This has affected everyone from sports fans to shoppers. This has also caused many people to lose their jobs. 

Over 22 million people have lost their jobs because of Covid-19 safety reasons. This has had a large effect on many people’s lives because many people can’t afford to lose their job. People who have lost their jobs are working hard to find a new one or get support elsewhere. This is also a reason why so many businesses have shut down. This has had a huge effect on the world as a whole and most people’s lives individually.

In conclusion, Covid-19 has been the worst part of 2020. From the millions sick and many who passed away to the shutdown of many important events. This year has been bad for everyone and will not get better anytime soon. Stay safe, wear a mask, and stay six feet apart. 


Sources: Wikipedia, The New York Times, and JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data 

2020…SO FAR
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