by Michelle Rojas

The Covid 19 pandemic has been one of the most important events this year. There are many ways the pandemic has severely impacted the lives of people worldwide.  Including the effects on peoples’ health, businesses, and children’s education. 

To begin, the Covid-19 pandemic has, unfortunately, had a traumatic effect on not only American families, but families worldwide. It’s very unfortunate watching people lose those that they love due to this virus. More than one million people have died because of covid worldwide. According to NBC News, “More than 1.1 million people have died of the COVID-19 disease worldwide,”. There are more than 38 million confirmed cases in the world. It’s really devastating thinking that so many people have died.

Another way Covid-19 has had a substantial impact on peoples’ lives is in regards to damage done to businesses. Many shops and businesses of all types were forced to close due to health and financial concerns. As a result, people were left unemployed as their bosses were forced to fire or lay off many of their workers. About six million people were unemployed. Many families struggled with money because they were left unemployed. Kiplinger says that huge companies like Century21, CEC Entertainment, Cinemex Holdings, and many others have filed for bankruptcy because of Covid. 

Moreover, kids were out almost half the school year because of Covid. Last year everything was so chaotic because we never expected anything like this to happen. Obviously, we didn’t go to school because it was unsafe. Many kids’ grades dropped because it was hard to learn everything virtually. Some kids missed going to school because they couldn’t see their friends and teachers in person. 

In conclusion, Covid has been the most important event that has happened so far. It affected so many lives including mine. It has affected peoples’ health, business, and children’s education. This is an unforgettable event that has changed many lives. How has covid affected you?

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