Photo by: Vanessa Amfo-Ayeh

by Benjamin Emma

In Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, he talked about his hopes and dreams for the future including equality and freedom. I too have hopes and dreams for freedom just like Martin Luther King– just in a different way. In 2020 a virus hit the US which led us to a pandemic, limiting people from accessing public places. In 2021 we still have to abide by the rules that were set in 2020. People can’t go to places without a mask and have to stay six feet away from others. My family had to cancel vacations due to the places we were going to shutting down or not having everything open. So one of my hopes for 2021 is for these restrictions to be lifted.

In accordance with the Pandemic, going to school in person without a mask again is another one of my hopes for 2021. Attending school while maintaining a 6 feet distance from people is unforgettable and annoying to follow. Wearing masks is also annoying, especially when they start to hurt my ears from wearing them for too long. Being in virtual classes doesn’t help me with work, I can easily get distracted when I’m home and miss something. If everyone were to go to school as normal I would be able to focus better because I’m there at the school with the physical guidance of my teachers.  

Finally, in 2021 I have lots of hope for more positive outcomes in my everyday life. I’ve been practicing lacrosse for about 6 months. I haven’t joined a team yet but I plan on doing so in the near future expanding my knowledge about the game. As for my knowledge of lacrosse, I also plan on learning more and improving my handling skills as well. Another positive I’m looking forward to is adding a bird to the family. I’ve been thinking about getting my bird a friend for a couple of months now, and I think I might get one. In conclusion, I seek to fulfill my hopes and dreams of more freedom through restrictions, improving in school and lacrosse, and finally caring for another bird.

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